Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Busy, too Busy

Okay— my resolution is to post more in 2008. So, not almost February...

I am always as busy as I make life for my students. When I make them work, I have to work hard to keep up and feed-back to them. This is the greatest thing about teaching. It's active, dynamic, and draining. This is also the danger, because the natural human tendency is for a body to come to rest. The temptation to slow down and do less is huge. This is what happens (I think) to a lot of teachers.

Sometimes I think the big problem for teachers becomes when they feel like they are working harder than students are (or change...working harder to "care more", or whatever comes to mind).

For many (especially younger) they enter the field thinking that at some point it will get easier— that things will somehow get easier as the "tricks" are learned, and while this can be true in terms of certain strategies, the kids are always changing.